External POP3

The external mail function allows you to manage external POP3 accounts in addition to wenmail.Wenmail will bring mail from the external POP3 accounts when the user clicks the [Receive Mail]->[Get External POP3] button. In other words, if you have multiple POP accounts, users can have total mail management in Webmail without the need to log into each accounts to check and read mail. Mail from all accounts will be received by Webmail, when clicking the [Receive Mail]->[Get External POP3] button.

Click the [External POP3] button to list all the external POP3 accounts of current user.

User name Click [User name] of the external POP3 accounts to view its settings.
Enable The external POP3 account's status.The icon means enabled,and the icon means disabled.
Edit Click the icon to setup the external POP3 account.
Delete Click the icon to delete the external POP3 account.

New Pop3 Account

Click the button,the following dialog box will appear.In the dialog box,enter [User name],[Password],[Host],[Port] of the new external POP3 account.

Enable Select the checkbox to set the new external POP3 account enabled.
Save copy Select the checkbox to save a copy when getting messages for the external POP3 account.

Create a new external POP3 account success.